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Cookham Neighbourhood Plan
An opportunity to save habitats and help wildlife


Climate change is a reality for all of us and in Cookham we are not immune from the changes to the environment. We are experiencing the effects of the decline in species driven by the loss of local habitats. Degrading landscapes and loss of biodiversity not only negatively affects wildlife but also human health and wellbeing.  


The Cookham Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) offers everyone in the parish the chance to have a say in how they want their villages to develop. It is one of the most important things the Parish Council is currently doing and kicked off in summer 2020 and aim to be completed in 2023.


Together with other community groups, WildCookham is part of the Cookham Neighbourhood Working Party along with Parish Councillors. We take guidance from the declared Climate Emergency by the RBWM and hope to define guiding policies that would benefit Wildlife in Cookham for years to come. But to succeed we need your help.



The consultation process


Thank you for taking part in the initial consultations. Your involvement ensured that the environmental issues will be taken seriously. The second consultation is about validation of key objectives and ambitions in five areas.


WildCookham believes we must do more and below we make some suggestions that you might want to consider when you respond to the consultation with your own ideas.


  1. Design and development. All our buildings need to adapt to the climate emergency.  As the proposed guidelines for sustainable development are for new buildings only, we need these to also apply to modifications and refurbishments in existing properties.

  2. Environment. Nature needs space to breathe and recover from past and present pressures.  Strictly limited access to the public (and pets) is required for our sensitive habitats. We need local schemes where every one of us contribute to the environment and a sustainable lifestyle.

  3. Landscape and setting. Planning rules are abused and threatening the open landscape, for example when farm and other buildings are gradually turned into housing or offices. We need policies for better monitoring.

  4. Social and community infrastructure.  We need stronger guidelines for recreational activities such as running, cycling and exercising sports to safeguard wildlife from damage or disturbance.

  5. Traffic and movement. We support giving people better physical access and space through low-carbon footprint transportation means. Lower speed, wider sidewalks, restricting heavy vehicles etc. are some ideas.

There will be a further consultation leading eventually to a pubvlic referendum.  Please respond to these requests with your
views and ideas and continue to support the environment
in Cookham!

Go here to the Cookham Parish Website for any other updates on the Neighbourhood Plan.


WildCookham contact: Lars Ahlgren

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