A lovely meeting Sunday of 21/2hrs. with 15 enthusiastic members. Fungi were in good supply, well worth postponing for 2 weeks & rain arrived in perfect time. Below is the list, by genus first in capitals:-
AMANITA: muscaria-Fly Agaric,phalloides-The Death Cap. alba & citrina-The False Death Cap variant. Rubescens-The Blusher.
LEPIOTA: procera-The Parasol.
CLITOCYBE: infundibuliformis-The Common Funnel Cap. fusipes-Spindle Shank.
LACCARIA: laccata & amethystea-The Deceiver & variant.
COLLYBIA: maculata-Spotted Tough-shank. Butyracea-Butter Cap.
HYGROCYBE: psittacina-Parrot Wax-cap.
MARASMIUS: candidus (lots of v.small white cups on dead twigs).
MYCENA: haematopus-The Bloody Mycena!
LACTARIUS: blennius-The Slimy Milk-cap. pallidus-The White Lactarius.
RUSSULA: nigricans-The Blackening Russula. cyanoxantha-The Charcoal Burner. Delica-The Milk White Russula. Mairei-The Beechwood Sickener. Ochroleuca-Common Yellow Russula.
CORTINARIUS: amoenolens.
COPRINUS: picaceus-The Magpie Cap.
PANEOLUS: rickenii.
BOLETUS: Probably rare, but badly damaged by slugs! Dark red under cap & stem, with yellow flesh!.
POLYPORE: piptoporus betulinus-The Birch Bracket.
HYDNUM: repandum-The Hedgehog or Calf’s Foot.
HELVELLA: helvella crispa-The White Helvella.
LYCOPERDON: perlatum. Pyriforme.
AGARICUS: xanthodermus:The Yellow Stainer.
HYPHOLOMA: fasciculare:The Sulphur Tuft. Sublateritium-Brick Caps.
OTIDEA: onotica-The Hare’s Ear.
CALOCERA: viscosa.
CLAVULINA: cinerea-Grey Coral Fungus.
TRICHOLOMA: sulphuream-smells of gas tar!
ARMILLARIA: mellea-The Honey Fungus.Destroys live trees & shrubs!
CORIOLUS: versicolor-The Many Zoned Polypore or Turkey Tail.
STROPHARIA: aeruginosa.
Nearly 40 species found + 6-8 not IDed in Roger Phillip’s Fungi Bible!
All these species were found at Cockmarsh NT, Marlow Common & mostly @ Quarry Wood,both WT.
Birds noted:- Nuthatch, Raven & Buzzard calling!