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Saving our Special Species

There are lots of ways that you can help with our projects focussed on specific speciesf. Here are some or species we’re either reintroducing to Cookham or are protecting from disappearing from our local world. Contact to find out more about any of them. The links at the bottom take you to more great ideas to get involved and make a difference.

Bringing back Ratty

As we work on bringing these wonderful creatures back to the home of Wind in the Willows WildCookham volunteers have released more than 200 water voles into our local waterways in the past 18 months. We had support from several sponsors providing the necessary funding – South East Water, Thames Water, RBWM, Shanley Foundation, Prince Philip Trust, Naturesave Trust and lots of volunteer hours. We now need help to keep an eye on them and also ensure that the local population of mink, who predate on the voles, is kept under control. Ensuring that the habitat for the voles, and other animals, is the best possible is also key. So many ways you can help and we can provide training where it is needed so you’re learning too. Contact to find out more.

They make summer for us if we provide a home for them

Swifts, swallows and martins are among our best loved symbols of summer. Housing and other development has destroyed many of their nesting places. You can help us create new homes for them – and protect the ones that still remain. We installed 15 artificial House Martin nest boxes near the Odney Club in Cookham village last year – close to an existing sizeable colony of the birds. We have a local group installing Swift boxes and we plan to do more to support Swallows and Sand Martins. You may have a house or some land that’s suitable for one or more of these species or you may just want to help to provide a better future for these harbingers of summer. Contact to find out more.

Get to know our magical Glow worms

We are mapping the locations where we can find glow worms in Cookham – a fascinating species which has been badly impacted by changing habitats. WildCookham has been tracking the local Glow worms for several years with serious mapping starting two years ago. Join us to learn more about them and help us extend our mapping of their territories and then take action to protect them. Contact to find out more.

Join our Toad Patrol and give Toads a chance

The Common Toad is not so common as it used to be – a drop from around 10,000 in the annual migration 20 years ago to fewer than 2000 today. The main population that we protect is around Strande and Lightlands Lanes. The migration starts around February and we need volunteers to help the Toads as they cross our dangerous roads. Spending just a few evening hours during the year can ensure that the dwindling population of toads has a better chance of surviving the dangers of these migrations. Cookham’s Toad Patrol allows people of all ages to get involved, with a small effort making a big difference. Contact Contact to find out more.

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